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De: Porto
11/8/2018 2:20:10 PM
vendas standard


Assassin’s Trophy (15.5)
Ral, Izzet Viceroy (2x) (7)
Sacred Foundry (foil) (14)
Risk Factor (5)
Trostani Discordant (1.
Thief of Sanity (2x) (1)
Legion Warboss(2x) (1.5)
Nullhide Ferox (3.2)
Chemister’s Insight (foil) (1.75)
Status Statue (foil) (0.4)

dominaria ()

Isolated Chapel (promo) (3.
Woodland Cemetery (4.5)
Tempest Djinn (1.5)
Phyrexian scriptures (0.9)

ixalan ()

Search For Azcanta (promo) (30)
Settle the Wreckage (2x) (7.2)
Legion’s Landing (5)
Aeguel’s blood fast (dobrado) (0.5)
Deathgorge scavenger (1)

Rivals of Ixalan ()
Zacama, Primal Calamity (5.7)

m19 ()

Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire (0.
Gigantosaurus (0.85)
Runic Armasaur(2x) (0.55)
Mystic Archaeologist (promo) (0.9)

modern ()

Inspiring Vantage (foil) (6)
Rancor (Foil) (2)
Twilight Mire (2x) (6.5)


De: barreiro
11/18/2018 9:25:35 PM
Legion Landing
boas estou interessado nos Legion Landing
