"Youre going to be hearing a lot about this Garruk fellow in the coming weeks. As the face of Magic 2015, his imposing visage is going to be all over the place, looking about as intimidating as any Planeswalker ever has. Dude means business.
As Garruk stalks the multiverse for bigger and better prey, hes bound to run into bigger and bigger game...including you!
Thats right, youll have a chance to duel Garruk himself thanks to the gigantic Garruk card included in every Magic 2015 Prerelease box." (...)
Fonte e restante informação na arcana de hoje:
Spoilers de hoje (caso haja mais, agradeço que façam como nos sets anteriores - deixem mensagem com a imagem em baixo, que será posteriormente adicionada ao tópico, de modo a não criar múltiplos posts):
se se lembrarem de reeditar as fetchs, vamos ter alguns problemas com este grandalhão
Alterado a 6/23/2014 10:47:08 PM por WolfKid